My baby boy is the single most important person in my life. I won't go into details about his conception but if you know me then you know the story. For those of you who don't know, yes, I was a lesbian prior to his conception.
My son has been born into "the life." So he understands the whole "my mommy likes women" concept. In fact my son is so in-tune with my preference that if a man approaches me in a manner where he is trying to get to know me, my son becomes and instant cock-blocker!! However, if a woman approaches me in the same manner, he steps aside and allows the exchange. This can be because he's a mamma's boy and the thought of another man having my attention is completely off base with him. Or it could be that he really does prefer for me to be happy in my lifestyle. I'll ask him when he gets older!
My son is 4 years old. Many of my friends ask me if I am worried that he will be teased growing up having a lesbian for a mother. I definitely feel as though because he was born into my lifestyle he will be a lot more tolerant of the situation. I mean this is a new day and time. Homosexuality is a lot more accepted than it use to be. I'm pretty sure he will have kids in the class that will have gay parents as well. And it's not as though I'm going to go to his school with at rainbow shirt on that says I love women on it.
My difficulty is here: I've met so many women that want to date me but don't want to deal with a child. Yes that's right. It's not that they are turned off that I've had sex with a man before. It's that they are selfish and don't want to share my time. Fine no big deal. But when I come back and ask them if it's because they don't want children, they say "no I just want to have my own child with you. I don't want to raise someone else's" Notice the quotation marks. Yes that was an actual quote that someone said to me.
It's like this, in a lesbian relationship it's physically impossible to have a child. A man has to be involved in one way or another. Whether he is donating his sperm artificially or actually (you know what I mean), unfortunately he has to donate his sperm. I'm waiting on China to perfect this whole mating of two eggs to create a child thing they are experimenting with. Anyways, no matter how it goes, whether they date me and I already have a child, or they date someone else and have a child with them, they are always going to be raising someone else's baby.
So not only do I get blacklisted by society for being a lesbian, I get blacklisted by the lesbian community because I have a child. Hmm go figure. Oh well I'm happy with or without you. If you don't want to date a woman with a child, someone else will. You could have just missed out on the single most important person in your life!!