Ok so as most of you know I'm no longer seeing a few people. There's one in particular that I share a few mutual friends and am still friends with on the ever so popular Facebook. Now here lies the problem. I still get her status updates and see pictures when she posts them. And you know that ever so annoying feature on FB that shows past status updates from certain friends on the advertisement section... yea I'm getting some of hers that are in reference to me back when we were dating. Seriously, ugh.
So now what do I do? Do I delete her as my friend? Is that the final step to letting go of the past? I'm not the type to completely cut off someone even if we don't work out. We can always be cool, or sometimes friends if we are both able to handle it. Plus it's kinda nice to know when something cool is going on with her. Except sometimes it drives me insane. I can't be that vindictive or shallow that I can't deal with seeing a post from her time and time again. I can't still have feelings for her that are preventing me from deleting her all together. What does it say about her that she hasn't deleted me.
I have this rule in my life called Control+ Alt+ Delete. Most of you know what that means in computer terms. Push all three buttons at the same time and the task manager pops up and allows you to end what your doing, esp. if the program is not responding. Same concept can apply to life. Here: Control- Control your temper or the situation. Alt- Find an alternate solution to the problem. Delete- Delete what's hurting your or causing the problem all together. And viola the person, job, or situation is no longer an issue.
By applying this rule to this situation though, I'm creating a barrier for my friends that I have in common with her. That could pose as a problem to them, and is really just unfair. Plus honestly I really do want to be her friend. Or in the least I'll admit I'm a little bitch and want her to be miserable when she sees how successful I turn out and what we could have been. Yea I think that's what it is. So to delete or not to delete that is the question.
You don't necessarily have to delete the person from FB. The great thing about FB is that it has this lovely feature that allows you to hide a friend's posts on your wall... and you can always undo it later. It doesn't remove the friendship and they can still see your posts...and they won't know you hid their statuses/post.
ReplyDeleteThis is a perfect way to deal with the current situation and then unhide them later when you're feelings are gone and you can deal with just being friends. ....Nice post! :-)
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