Seems the older I get and the more I improve my self-worth, the more stalkers I accumulate! I understand I am a quality woman. You know the type of woman most are looking for: down to earth, spontaneous, family oriented, can cook, clean, and still look good or even better with age!!! Don't want to sound conceited, (Lol) but that's me all the way!!! The problem is that while I was dating different women (well... I didn't even have to date some of them for them to keep coming back) they were making note of the type of woman I am and they simply got attached immediately.
Let's use this as an example. BTW this is on the for real! I work at a bar in downtown Atlanta. On the day of my birthday a woman comes in with one of her coworkers. She is obviously a lesbian because she is on the stud end of the spectrum. Now, I have served them their drinks and am killing time by talking to my coworker about my plans for the evening/ weekend. 'Ol girl, whom we will call her Sinclair, is all up in my business. When I mention going to lesbian bar, her little ears perk up and she starts to ask all sorts of personal questions. In the back of my mind I'm like you don't know me well enough to ask these questions, while my mouth is spitting out half truths and beating around the bush because I know she is building up to the ultimate question. She does. "Do you like women?"
Against my better judgement I say yes. Sinclair proceeds to ask me for how long? how many girlfriends I've had?, and am I seeing anyone now? Even after I tell her that yes I am dating a woman right now, she still says she wants to take me out. She passes me her number and then on the side offers me a job. Ugh. Now I must admit offering me a job was a slick move because I was half tempted to call her up on that. One thing I'm not though, is dumb.
I can't get rid of this chick now. She keeps coming to my job. Sitting at the bar for hours. I mean hours watching me work. She trys to hold conversations with me in between patrons and is still trying to convince me to go out with her. Tipping well I might add!
Why is this chick trying so hard to get at me? Hmm, well it could be because one of my coworkers spilled the beans about me. Yeah, I'm not so thrilled about that. She asked my coworker 50 questions about me. My coworker, not thinking twice about it, gave her all the answers she needed. It's been almost two months and I can't get rid of this lady. What do I do? Do I get a restraining order keeping her from coming to my job? Hmmm, then I won't get the benefit of her tips! I could simply ask her not to come so often and to not stay so long that it makes me uncomfortable when she is there. Hmmm, then I won't get the benefit of her tips! I could have someone else take over the bar completely while she is there so that she will leave. Hmmm, then I won't get the benefit of her tips!!! Lol. Seriously though just playing on the tipping thing. There are enough tips in the world to make me put up with someone I don't want to.
The question of the day is what do you do when you have a stalker? And in my case, what do you do when you have several stalkers? Yea followers it's more than one. Don't believe me? Ask my bosses, coworkers, and friends.