So my girlfriend and I are constantly getting into arguments because she says I'm a flirt and that the women I flirt with always fall into the category of "my type." My usual type is light-skinned women with long hair. She's right about one thing, I am a flirt. But it comes along with the job. I have been serving and bar-tending so long that I do it as second nature. Do I do it to hurt her? No, absolutely not. I care for her deeply and would never do anything to jeopardize our relationship. But as far as this type thing goes, man I'm just sick of hearing about it.
Truth be told, I have this light-skinned, long hair FETISH because I have been in love with Alicia Keys since Song in A Minor. I mean who wasn't in love with her? But ask me about my first girl friend. Hmmm, while I'm thinking about that, that's a good topic for another blog. (Noted) Anyways, she was tall, chubby, dark-skinned, with dookie braids! Hey we are talking about 1997 don't judge the dookie braids!! And as far as I'm concerned. That's completely opposite of my so called type.
Let's talk about my current girl. She's dark brown skinned with a golden undertone, shoulder length dreads, about my height when I don't have heels on, but has the most amazing eyes. I often find myself staring at her because her beauty takes me by surprise every time. As a matter of fact, scrolling through her pictures just now and I was perplexed to realize that I was actually staring at each picture as though I have never seen her before.
What is a type anyway? A preference? And let's say you have been dating your "type" all your life and you look back to see that all of the relationships you've had with that type never lasted long, were superficial, or were no good for you. Wouldn't that make you want to try other types? This is what I really think. I want a woman who is going to have my back through thick and thin, that can take care of herself and even me when I need a helping hand. A woman that can keep a smile on my face, keep the relationship exciting, and show me things I've never seen before. I want a woman that knows what she wants hands down, is secure in herself, and can appreciate having a good woman on her arm. Now that's a type. The rest of it, looks, are shallow.
Don't fit that profile? Then you're not my type.
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