Where I always speak my mind and have interesting stories to tell!!!

April 28, 2010

First Time Blog!!!

Well this is my first official blog!!! I'm excited about this new project of mine. So expect to find lots of pictures, lots of funny, sad, and crazy stories, and don't always believe everything you read!!! Lol yes a lot of this blog will be true life events,however... these true life events may not all be my life!!! I have some interesting friends with some interesting stories as well. So I may incorporate some of their life events and lessons as my own to entertain you. Your job is to decipher between them and figure which are my own and which are my friends!!! Lol hell you may not even care if they are my own or not but if you do have fun trying to figure it out. Now if you're one of my many friends or acquaintances then well you have the advantage cuz you will know. Just don't spoil it for everyone else.
Now here's the freebies... All of the following is absolutely true about me.
1. I am 27 years old.
2. I am a lesbian. Femme to be exact!! Yes and I am proud to say it. Lol (sorry in advance for my language but hell it's my blog right? Don't like it don't read it anymore!)
3. I have a beautiful baby boy. He is 3 going on 33. This boy is simply grown!! CTFU! From now on though, he will be referred to as Kris.
4. I am completely infatuated and falling in love with a woman I have only known for 2 months and loving every minute of it. From now on she will be referred to as A.
5. I am a bartender in downtown Atl.
6. I am a Spelman graduate. And am receiving a master's degree at Emory.
7. Now from here on out if anything that I want you to know is about the real life me I will simply say "But on the for real."
Try to see what is the truth about me or not. If you don't care simply enjoy the stories that I have to tell.

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